Glacial Polish on Basalt on top of ridge next to hole 1 Basket |
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Sorry I have not been able to add anything here for a while. End of school, travel and personal life has kept me very busy. I do have a little teaser though. I am Akureyri Iceland right now and was able to get out an play a little 9 hole course here. Akureyri is only 60 km south of the artic circle, making this course one of the northern most courses in the world (a couple in Norway and one other in Iceland beat it). The course plays around an elementary school which is settled in between a couple of low basalt ridges (between 3-15 million years old). Many holes on the course overlook the eyjafjodur fjord , which was carved by glaciers when they covered the entire island.
Sunday, June 5, 2016
Otter Brook- Keene NH
Otter Brook- Keene NH
Figrue 1: (Wood
2016) #9 basket looking back at outcrops
of Rangley schist.
drive to Keene, New Hampshire from Boston is diverse and scenic. One starts the drive amongst brownstones and
triple deckers underlain by the late Precambrian puddingstone and shales of the
Avalon terrain, African in Origin. As you
travel northwest, away from the city along route 2 the scene turns more pastoral, open fields and
rolling deciduous forests that sit atop tortured stone, the remnants of ancient
mountain building events from the great collisions that built Pangea. The hills get larger and the bedrock more
prominent as you pass from the Nashoba Terrane, through the Merrimack belt and
into the central Maine Terrane. The
landscape becomes more forested and wild, interrupted every ten miles or so by
quaint New England towns. One passes
Mount Monadnock near the boarder of New Hampshire, standing tall, resistant to
the wind, rain and even the glaciers of a millennia ago. Finally after
following deep gorges cut deep by streams you enter Keene and Otter Brook State
Park. To travel from Boston to Keene region is to cross continents, to enter
the hinge that once was the edge of North America. A lot of what makes Otter
Brook unique, its rugged, sometimes chaotic topography, its piles of stones and
its ever sifting character ties back to its geology, it is a place of
transition, from continent to basin, from Africa to North America, from till to
bedrock, from exposed to buried, from primal nature to man-made, it is a place
of flux frozen in time.
Tectonic setting
Rising as a set of hills in western New Hampshire and
central Massachusetts is the Bronson Hills Volcanic Belt. It forms a strip of
older, igneous, volcanic and metamorphic rocks that were the core of a volcanic
chain that formed off the coast of North America in Ordivician time (around 480
MYA) when the Iapetus ocean started to close.
Sediments from this volcanic chain was deposited to the east in the open
ocean, forming vast piles of sediment that became the Rangley formation, which
the bedrock foundation of the Otter Brook area.
This depositional basin of the Rangley formation closed during the
Acadian orogeny (420 -370 MYA) as at least two subcontinents collided with
North America (Avalonia and Ganderia).
This event was long, complex and still being studied and
understood. The sediments caught between
these sub-continents including the Rangley formation were profoundly changed by
this event. It compressed them, realigned
its mineral grains, contorted and in some cases obliterated its original
sedimentary bending and it heated them to temperatures so high that they
partially melted. The rocks of the
Rangley formation were pushed them eastward against the hard unyielding core of
the Bronson Hills Belt which acted like a giant backstop, forcing them upward,
folding the sediments over themselves to make tight anticlines and synclines
and pushing the Rangley in the vicinity of Otter Brook, vertical, with younger
rocks to the east and older to the west.
At Otter Brook it is difficult to see the original nature of
the rocks, but glimpses are still there. The grittiness of the schists comes
from sandstone layers in the original sediments, and subtle differences in the
color and composition of the rock reflect differences in the composition of the
original sediments. The deformation due
to the Acadian orogeny on the other hand is ever-present, foliation is nearly vertical
and folds and other convolutions of the layering and foliation of the rocks are
seen in many outcrops. The Rangley Formation at Otter Brook represents the
ancient margin of the North American continent 420 million years ago. Now that margin has become a suture in the
continent as it has been ploughed back, smashed and baked into heart of the
mountains of New England
One of the most unique opportunities that Otter Brook
presents to the geologist/disc golfer is not even on the course itself, but
next to it. Just west of the turnoff for
the park is a large roadcut that slices through a high ridge that much of the
disc golf course is built on. Being only
a few hundred feet away from some of the holes, looking at the roadcut is an
excellent way of seeing what is going on underneath the ground at Otter
Brook. The easiest way to divide the
rocks you see in the cut is by color, distinct areas of red, grey and white can
be seen. The reddish rock is most prevalent
on the east side of the cut. It is a
ferruginous schist, having begun as marine siltstone and shale this rock has
undergoing a high degree of metamorphism, changing its original mud into platy
minerals like mica and chlorite. It has a strong vertical foliation expressed
by orientation of the mica grains. The reddish hue is due to iron content in
the rock which “rusts” and turns red when exposed to air. The grey rock is most striking in the center
of the cut as it forms what looks like a shear grey wall, it again is a strongly
foliated schist, but with a lower iron content, hence a grey rather than
reddish appearance. It has a similar
origin to the ferruginous schist and in some places these two rocks cannot be
distinguished from each other. In places
this schist is interrupted by small pods of white rock, near these pods the
foliation is often disturbed and deformed.
The white rock is very different from the schists, it shows no clear
foliation but rather is made of interlocking crystals of feldspar, quartz and biotite
mica. This rock is migmatite and is formed when a
rock is heated to a point that some (but not all) of it melt. When the melted portion recrystallizes, it forms
migmatitie. Notice that the foliation of the grey schist is much more convoluted
near the migmatite. Keep these rock in
mind as you go down and play the course.
You will see them in bedrock outcrops and in loose talus. Otter Brook gives you a unique opportunity to
see a cross section of the rocks underneath the course.
Figure 5: (Wood 2016).
At Roadcut, Grey schist, forming a nearly vertical wall.
Figure 6: (Wood 2016) White migmatite surrounded by grey
schist. Notice the
more convoluted
foliation of the schist around the migmatite.
Glacial geology
Figure 7: (wood 2016) Hole #14, grounded covered by a thick glacial till with numerous erratics. |
Like most of New England, Pleistocene glaciation had a major
impact of the Otter Brook area. The
entire course is covered by a layer of glacial till that makes outcrops of
bedrock few and far between. The till
appears to be thinner and partially removed on the front nine of the course,
east of the ridge. The topography is often
chaotic, with steep slopes containing bedrock outcrops and flatter areas that
have between 5-10 feet of glacial till that is often held in place by tree
roots. Small streams cut this till in
places leaving earthy mounds. On the
back 9 of the course the till appears thicker and more constant. I could find
no bedrock outcrops on the back 9 and the terrain is more gentle and hummocky. The
cobbles and boulders in the till are different to the bedrock rock types
exposed in the roadcut and the front 9 of the course. Most prevalent is a biotite granite which has
a different texture and mineralogy from the migmatite in the bedrock,it has
smaller crystal grains and more numerous but much smaller mica flakes. It tends to occur as more rounded boulders
and might be the Fitzwilliam Granite that outcrops farther to the north and
west, carried here by glaciers. Gneisses
and schists of exotic origin are also found as erratics in the till, in some places
mixed in the Rangley red and grey schists making identifying the origin of many
of these rocks difficult.
Figure 8: (Wood 2016).
Glacial erratic composded of fine grained biotite mica granite.
A geologic walkthrough of the course.
Figure 9: (Wood 2016) Otter Broojk |
Figure 10:(Wood 2016)
Glacial erratic containing large xenolith of metamorpohic rock in granite. Notice striped pattern in the metamorphic rock that contrasts to the massive texture of the granite. |
Hole #1 - You start
the course by climbing rapidly up the east side of the large ridge that bisects
the course. This area is still covered
with glacial till and most of the erratics here do not match the bedrock. A large erratic about halfway up the fairway
contains a xenolith, a piece of metamorphic rock that is surrounded by
granite. The xenolith is likely a piece
of the sedimentary or metamorphic rock that the granite intruded, it fell into
the molten magma but still retains some of its original foliation and mineralogy.
Figure 11: (Wood
2016) Tee #3. Tee shot drops down
a steep hill of migmatite.
Holes 2-3 - Both
these holes play down the large ridge.
The hillsides are steep and contain a lot of boulders, some from till
but some also from the underlying bedrock.
White pieces of migmatite can been seen on the slopes of the ridge here,
and it is the hardness of the migmatite relative to the schist that likely
makes this ridge such a prominent feature.
Figure 12: (Wood 2016)
Behind Hole #5 tee, grey schist
showing strong steeply dipping foliation.
Holes 4-6 - These
holes are relatively (compared to the rest of holes on the front 9) flat. The bedrock here is the grey schist and can
be seen in outcrop on hole six and in places to the left of 4. The till is heavily eroded here by streams
coming down from the north, making the terrain very bumpy. Rocks on the ground are a mixture of talus
from the ridge and boulders washed out of the till. Locals have made stacks of stone cairns on
these holes. You can see great examples of all the rocks here on these
holes. Yoda’s Swamp on hole 6 us a
marshy area caused by a small steam backing up behind a small ridge that separates
it from hole 4.
Figure 15: (Wood 2016)
Hole #7 tee.
Hole 7- You drive
from an elevated tee (likely underlain by more resistant schist) to a flat
fairway with a large number of stone cairns.
From this point you climb quickly back up the ridge. The ridge is made of migmatite in this
location, clear from the white rock fragments littering the slope. Take time to
look at pieces of the migmatite, in places it has feldspar and mica crystals
well over an inch long.
Figure 16: (Wood
2016) Rock Cairns on fairway of #7.
Figure 17: (Wood 2016)
Migmatite rock fragment. Note
large feldspar crystal just below disc.
Figure 18: (2016) #7
fairway looking up to basket. Note
white rocks on
steep slope to basket, these are fragments of resistant
Figure 19: (Wood
2016) Small fragment of migmatite with
crystal of biotite mica (black crystal directly above disc.
reddish coloration around mica grain due tro presence of iron.
Hole 8- Hole 8 takes
you to the top of the ridge. The first
part of the hole is underlain by more grey schist and then another area of
migmatite underlies the pin and outcrops behind and to the right of the hole,
making an impressive peak. Again look
for large crystals in the migmatite
Figure 20: (Wood 2016) Migmatite forming a bedrock ridge behind basket of hole #8. |
Figure 21 (Wood 2016)
Outcrop of grey or rusty schist to left of #9.
Notice steeply dipping
folialtion in schist.
Hole 9- Now you go
down the other side of the ridge and into the lower Rangley. The white migmatite disappears and is
replaces by a steeply dipping and softer ferruginous schist. This schist is best seen to the left of the
fairway and on the path to the 10th tee. These are the last bedrock outcrops on the
course that I could find. As the ferruginous
schist is less resistant to erosion it does not pop out of the glacial till
like the migmatitie does.
Figure 22: (Wood
2016) Hole #10, glacial erratics litter
stream that crosses the fairway.
Hole #10 By hole #10
you are now down the back side of the ridge an in an area covered by a thick
blanket of glacial till. As you cross
the stream notice the large number of boulders in its bed, these are erratics
in the till which the stream does not have the energy to carry away. These erratics tend to be granitic and were
likely from locations to the north of west.
Figure 23 (Wood 2016).
Hole #13 basket. Large glacial
in till that dominate back 9 of course.
Holes 11-15- The rest
of the course sits on the glacial till.
It feels like a completely different course from the front 9. Considerable earth moving was done around
hole 12, as you can see old culverts and the pin sits on a small hill pushed up
by a backhoe or some other construction device.
Hole 13 contains lots of large erratics in front of the basket, while
hole 15 plays down the old road that likely led back to the earth moving area
at hole 12.
Hole 16- This odd
hole takes advantage of the chaotic terrain that can form on glacial till. The tee shot winds through innumerable trees
to the top of the large hummock. The
basket sits blind in an odd depression.
There are a couple of possible explanations for this depression. It could be man-made, a place where till was
excavated as the dam was built or it could be a depression formed by the
melting of a piece of ice in the till.
Just as rocks are deposited in till, large chunks of ice can be
deposited as well. When the ice melts
that land collapses above them forming a depression. When large enough they fill with water and
are called kettle ponds. This one is too
small and shallow to form a pond but might be formed through the same process.
Holes 17-18 - The
last holes of the course wind back down to Otter Brook, meandering through
numerous trees and more thick glacial till until reaching the mud and silt of
the Otter Brook floodplain.
Well I hope you enjoyed this look at Otter Brook. Next up the Quarries in Barre Vt. Rock piles, granite, giant pits of stone and
natural air conditioners.
Keene Disc Golf Club
Robinson, Peter and Goldsmith, Richard. “Stratigraphy of the
Merrimack Belt, Central Massachusets.”
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1366 E-J. Washington D.C.:
1991. Electronic URL
Skehan, James W. Roadside Geology of Massachusetts. Missoula:
Mountain Press Publishing Company, 2006. Print
Skehan, James W. Roadside Geology of Connecticut and
Rhode Island. Missoula: Mountain Press Publishing Company, 2008. Print
Thompson, Peter J. “Stratigraphy, Structure and Metamorphism
in the Monadnock Quadrangle, New Hampshire.”
Contribution #58 Department of Geology and Geography University of
Massachusetts, Amherst MA. 1985.
Van Diver, Bradford B.
Roadside Geology of Vermont and New Hamoshire. Missoula: Mountain
Press Publishing Company,1987. Print
Thursday, May 19, 2016
DeLaveaga- The Epicenter of Disc Golf
DeLaveaga- The Epicenter of Disc Golf
3-disc trip
On a recent trip to California I ended up with an unexpected
extra day on my hands. So while my friends in the area went to work, I spent a
Friday visiting one of the great old Disc Golf Courses, DeLaveaga in Santa
Cruz. I had no discs with me so I
stopped at the local convenience store, picked up a Tern, River and Wizard, and
went to throw some discs and study the geology of the epicenter of disc golf.
Figure 1: (Wood
2016) The Epicenter of Disc Golf
The Disc Golf Course at DeLaveaga was originally put in for
the 1984 World Disc Golf Championships, cleaning up what had been a dumping
ground and poison oak jungle behind the city of Santa Cruz. The course eventually became permanent and its
disc golf club became stewards for both the course and the wilderness that
surrounds it. Many of the original holes
still exist while 11 more have been added to create the current 29 hole layout.
The last hole, Top of the World has become one of the signature holes in all of
disc golf a 500 foot hole with a nearly 100 foot elevation drop. The vista from the tee with Santa Cruz and
the Pacific Ocean as the backdrop is spectacular and memorable way to end a
Figure 2: (Wood 2016) Hole 17 basket Purisima Formation on left. |
Disc golf in an active plate margin
Though both California and New England are filled with
faults, folds and exotic terranes, the time when the events occurred is very
different. In New England you are surrounded by layer upon layer of ancient
history, the mountains and volcanoes are mere shadows of their active peak millions
of years ago. Along the California coast,
the geology is fresh and active, happening before our eyes. DeLaveaga is located about 8 miles west of
the San Andreas Fault, which defines the boundary between the North American
and Pacific tectonic plates. The San
Andreas Fault is a transform fault which means that the rocks on both sides of
the fault are moving parallel and in opposite direction of each other, like two
hands slipping past each other. The west
side of the fault is moving to the northwest at a rate of approximately 4 cm
per year. Though the San Andreas is the
most well-known fault in California there are thousands of other faults. Some are large, with kilometers of
displacement and can cause major earthquakes, others are small with only a few
feet of displacement and only minor earthquakes, some are no longer active and
are only recognizable due to the rocks they displace or geomorphic features
they cause. In the San Francisco Bay
Area the plate boundary movement is spread across several of these faults,
including the San Andrea, Hayward, Calaveras and San Gregario faults. Rather than a single line, the boundary
between the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate is really zone of
movement encompassing these parallel faults.
Delaveaga is within this zone, sitting between the San Andreas and the
San Gregario Fault and a lot of its geology is a result of the deformation due
to these faults movements.
![]() |
Figure 4: (H.G.
Wilshire US. Geological Survey
1989)- Large
cracks in ground formed
during earthquake near house
on summit road Santa Cruz Country CA.
A consequence of being on an active plate boundary is the
occurrence of earthquakes. If you rub
your hands together there is friction, resistance to movement that can cause
your hands to stick together. Like your hands, the rock units on both sides of
a fault will often stick together as they move pass each other due to gradual
movement over time. Eventually the
stress caused by this movements becomes large enough that the rocks move
quickly accommodating all of the movement at once; this is an earthquake. Every
year many Earthquakes are felt in the Santa Cruz area on many different faults,
large and small. Most of these
earthquakes are small and cause little or no damage but every once in a while a
large earthquake occurs. The last major earthquake in this region was in 1989. This is the quake famous for disrupting the
1989 World Series. I remember watching
the TV just before the game got started, the screen going to static and then
the announcers coming back on the air as the shaking wound down. Instead of a baseball game I sat that evening
transfixed by the coverage of collapsed bridges and buildings. It was my first
experience with a Natural Disaster, live and in real time. The earthquake was a
magnitude 6.9 earthquake, its epicenter in the mountains northeast of Santa Cruz. The shaking lasted for 15 seconds and reached
VIII on the Mercalli intensity scale throughout the Santa Cruz area, causing
some buildings to collapses, cracking roads and causing many landslides in the
mountain. In the end 63 people were
killed in the bay area and about 6 billion dollars worth of damage was caused. The shaking would have been quite dramatic on
the course, one would have wanted to move to one of the open spots on the
course to wait it out as some limbs and maybe some old trees would have come
tumbling to the ground a frightful experience but once away from trees, a disc
golf course would be one of the safest places to be during an earthquake, much
better that at a desk, on a bridge or at an indoor climbing wall.
Purisima Formation
Figure 5 (Wood 2016)
View from tee of hole #2, Looking
up-slope of hill at horizontal layers
of Purisima Formation,
more resistant layers form steeper slopes and softer
gentler slopes.
The same forces that are responsible for the Earthquakes are
also in some ways responsible for the bedrock the course sits on. DeLaveaga Disc Golf course is underlain by
sandstone and siltstone of the Purisima formation. The Purisima was formed between 6-2 million
years ago from sediment eroded from the Santa Cruz Mountains as they were
uplifted due to deformation caused movement along the plate boundary. The Purisima formation was deposited in
relatively shallow water (usually less than 200m) near the source of the sandy
sediment, probably in and environment not to unlike the modern Central California
Coast. The sediment was hardened into
rock then both uplifted above sea level and broken up by local faults into
several large blocks that stretch from Santa Cruz to Point Reyes. Abundant fossils are found in
the Purisima formation and ppint to its shallow Marine Origin, including
various mollusks shells and whale bones.
Though the best preserved fossils are found on the coast near Santa Cruz
and near Ano Nuevo State Park, casts and molds of mollusks can be seen in
outcrops on holes #2, #3 and #27 as well as occasionally elsewhere on the
course. Casts and molds are created when
sediment fills in the cavity or surrounds an organism. After the original shell material dissolves
away an imprint or shape of the shell is left.
The best place to look for these casts and fossils is on hole #2, where
you climb through several different layers that are full of molds or casts,
often reddish in color. Though detail of
the shells has been lost, the general shape and quantity of these creatures can
still be seen. The layers of the
Purisima are nearly horizontal, dipping slightly southward towards the coast
due to ongoing uplift of the Santa Cruz Mountains. You can clearly see the horizontal nature of
the formation on hole 2, 7 and 17 where slightly more erosion resistant layers
make small 1-3 foot high ledges and on hole 19 where the basket is often on the
top of an exposed resistant layer.
Figure 6 (Wood 2016)
Hole #2 fairway. Molds and Casts
of mollusks in Purisima Formation.
Figure 7: (Wood
2016) Hole #2 Purisima Formation, mold
or cast of mollusk
with reddish coloration likely due to iron mineralization.
Figure 8: (Wood 2016)
Hole #2 fairway looking towards basket.
More resistant layer
of Purisima forming slight step in the hillslope.
Figure 9 (Wood
2016). Hole #8 Basket, Purisima
formation and large tree.
With its location near many faults it is not surprising that
the bedrock at DeLaveaga is heavily fractured.
Because of the similar appearance of much of the Purisima, it is
difficult to tell if there has been much movement on most of these fractures. When looking up the hill on 2 and 27 the
layers appear to be continuous and show no vertical movement. In some places fractures separate rocks of
slightly different coloration, these could represent small fault offsets but
also could just be coloration variations due to water percolation or other
non-deformational causes. Also some
fractures have been mineralized, mostly with calcium carbonate. The different directions, offset and
mineralization on the fractures record a complex history of deformation due to stress
put on the area from being in the middle of a plate boundary.
![]() |
Figure 10 (Wood
2016) Hole #15. Purisima formation showing multiple parallel
joints with no mineral fill. These
joints are likely related to the tectonic
stresses due to the plate boundary.
Figure 11: (Wood
2016) the Basket for #20 sits on the
top of a more resistant
Purisima Forrmation layer. Numerous joints can be seen on the bedrock
Figure 12: (Wood
2016) Hole #21 basket. Fracture in Purisima formation
separating two
layers of Purisima with differing colorations. Possibly
a small fault.
Marine Terraces
Figure 13: (Wood 2016)
View from #27 tee “Top of the World”.
fairway below and hills in midground are part of the
upper terrace. Background is the lower terrace around Santa
If you drive down the Pacific Coast between Santa Cruz and
Half Moon Bay, you will notice that the land rises from the ocean in a step
like pattern with flat plateau separated by steep slopes. The flat plateaus are wave cut terraces, formed
by wave action eroded the bedrock when the sea level was at that elevation in
the past. The terraces along this part
of the California Coast are not caused by sea level rising and falling, but by
the land rising while sea level has remained “relatively” constant. The Santa Cruz area has been uplifted in
recent time because the San Andreas fault system, though mostly transform in nature, has a compressional component due
to its bending to the left (much like the San Bernardino Mountains near Los
Angeles) causing the area to gradually rise in elevation. This uplift has lifted old terraces to their
current positions tens to hundreds of feet above sea level. As you drive up to DeLaveaga Park you start on
a lower terrace level in the residential neighborhoods, go up a steep wooded
slope and reach a higher terrace around the ball golf course area (This is my
amateur interpretation, I found no literature on the terraces exactly in this
exact area, all the literature focused on terraces a few miles to the north or
south). This upper terrace extends back
to the disc golf course area and is the flat surface that many of the holes of
the course play on. The Top of the World
hill represents the back end of the terrace, rising above the flat platform
like a cliff backing a beach. Being
older than the lower terrace the upper terrace is much more heavily
eroded. Gullies have cut deeply into the
margins of the terrace and are in the process of cutting it down to the lower
level. It is this active erosion that is
the cause of the extreme topography at the margins of the course, including steep
drop offs to the right of holes 3-9 and to the left of holes 20-21. Without this terrace, the course would look
like any other mountain slope in the area, the terrace gives it the flat areas
that make both disc and ball golf work well in the park.
Figure 14: (Wood 2016) Davenport CA, Wave cut terrace above current coastline. This terrace is likely equivalant to the lower terrace below DeLavega Park. |
![]() |
Figure 15: (Tommy Slaton
2010) Hole #27 from basket looking to
Lower part of fairway is part of
wave cut terrace, break of hill most likely
represents the inland extent of the
Hope you enjoyed this trip out to California as much as I
did. Up next is a trip to New Hampshire
to see Yoda’s Swamp, rock cairns and road cuts at Otter Brook.
Course Webpage
contains info on history of course and hole by hole tour.
Brabb, E.E. (1997)
Geologic Map of Santa Cruz County California [geologic map].
Powell, Charles L. United States Geological Survey Open File
Report 98-594. (1998) The Purisima
Formationand Related Rocks (Upper Miocene – Pliocene), Greater San Francisco
Bay Area, Central California.
Powell, Charles L, Barron, John A., Sarna-Wojcicki, Andrei
M., Clark, Joseph C., Perry, Frank A.,
Brabb, Earl B., and Fleck, Robert J., USGS Professional paper 1740. (2007) Age, Stratigraphy and Correlations of the
Late Neogene Purisima Formation, Central California Coast Ranges.
United States Geological Survey. (1993). Historic Earthquakes, Santa Cruz Mountains
(Loma Prieta), California 1989.
United States Geological Survey. (2006) Geological History of the San
Andreas Fault System.
Weber, Gereld E and Allwardt, Alen (2001).
The Geology From Santa Cruz to Point Ano Nuevo- The San Gergario Fault Zone and Pleistocene
Marine Terraces.
Sunday, May 1, 2016
Borderland Disc Golf Course
Borderland Disc Golf Course
Located around the Ames Estate at Borderland State Park, the
disc golf course of Borderland has become a mainstay of disc golf in the eastern
Massachusetts area. It sits close to I
95 and is an easy drive from Boston and Providence. One of the themes of Borderland is its
variety, as it moves in an out of open fields and wooded lots, wrapping around
a mansion built in the early 1900’s. Two
tees and two pin positions (white and blue) create four related but distinct
layouts with distances that range from an intermediate par 3 course, to an 8500
ft. par 68 layout. Borderland is one of
the destination courses in Massachusetts and is a must to play if you are in
the Boston or Providence areas.
Figure 1: Hole 17
Blue Tee- Ames Mansion in the
The Avalon Terrane
The bedrock that underlies Borderland State Park is part of
the Avalon Terrane. If you form a line
from Pye Brook in Topsfield to Simmonds Park in Burlington to
Webster Fish and Game Club, anything southeast of this line is part of the
Avalon Terrane, while to the west is the Nashoba terrane and the Merrimack Belt. Similar rocks can be found in the Maritime Provinces of Canada, England and
Scandinavia. The Avalon Terrane is an
exotic terrane, a region of bedrock that originally formed in a distant
location that was then moved though plate tectonic processes to a new location
making it “exotic” to the surrounding rocks.
The Avalon Terrane likely formed in Late Proterozoic time (around
700-600 MYA) just off or on the coast of Africa as a volcanic arc. Rifting split this arc from Africa as a new
ocean (The Rheic Ocean) opened in the Early Paleozoic time. By the Mid-Paleozoic
the Avalon Terrane collided with the North American Continent causing what we
call the Acadian Orogeny. This event
welded the Avalone terrain to what is now the east coast of North America. In the Late Paleozoic the
African continent itself collided with North America, causing the Alleghanian Orogeny. Though not clearly seen at Borderland due to the massive nature of the bedrock,
folding, and metamorphism due to the Alleghanian event affected the area. This can be seen to the
south in the Narragansett coal basin, where carbon rich sediments were turned
to coal and the coal layers were compressed and folded. During the Jurassic the
opening of the Atlantic Ocean cut across the Avalone Terrane, some of it
staying as part of the North American coast, while the rest became part of Northern
The Dedham Granite
Figure 3: (Wood
2016) #3 Blue Basket perched
on bedrock outcrop of Dedham Granite.
The main rock type underlying Borderland is the Dedham
Granite, a light pink to grey slightly porphyritic (large visible crystals)
granite. The Dedham granite has been
dated between 630-595 MYA with the older range more prevalent in the Borderland
area. The Dedham granite is part of what geologists call a batholith, which is
a large emplacement of igneous rock. The
Dedham Granite is the intrusive core of the volcanic chain that formed the “backbone”
of the Avalon Terrane when it was a volcanic arc off the coast of Africa. In many ways it is a much older equivalent to
the granites of the Sierra Nevada in California or the rocks that underlie the
cascade volcanoes in the pacific northwest.
The rocks at Borderland are essentially the roots to an old volcanic
Despite the complex tectonic history of the area the Dedham
Granite shows very little deformation, surprising since it has moved around so
much. It still appears to retain its
original crystalline structure though there are many faults and fractures in
it. This is common with batholiths as they form a large massive block that is
difficult to compress, fold and deform.
The Dedham granite only shows up as a bedrock outcrop on the rock ridge
that forms the tees to holes 2 and 4 and the baskets to hole 3. It can
also be seen as glacial erratics on other parts of the course and on as bedrock
outcrops on hiking trails such as the ridge trail. The #3 Blue basket is placed on top of the
most dramatic outcrop of the granite on the course, where its crystalline
structure and mineralogical make up can be easily seen.
Glacial History
The state of Massachusetts was covered by the continental
ice sheet several times during the Pleistocene ice ages, and evidence of the
most recent event, the Wisconsian, is plentiful at Borderlands. Most of the disc golf course at Borderland is
underlain by a significant layer of glacial till. Glacial till is an unsorted
mixture of clay, silt, sand and boulders that was directly deposited by a glacier
or ice sheet. The till at Borderlands was likely deposited as the Wisconsian
ice sheet was melting and retreating back to the north. As it melted the ice dropped all the material
it was carrying forming the seemingly random mix material that is glacial till.
The till layer is likely 15 or so feet thick and forms a mantle of material
over the pre-existing bedrock topography, keeping its general shape. The material in till can be transported by
glaciers over great distances, sometimes on the scale of hundreds of miles. We call the larger boulders in a till that
have been transported large distances glacial erratics. Glacial erratics are most easy to spot when
they are made of a rock type not present in a local bedrock, so if you see a
non-granite rock at Borderland, you are probably looking at a glacial erratic
(or a chunk of asphalt or road rock). The most
impressive erratic at Borderlands is balancing rock, a large glacial erratic of
Dedham granite that is on a trail between the 2 and 4 baskets. It is impressive to think of the size of the glacier
necessary to carry something so big.
Figure 5: (Wood 2016) glacial till cover on hole #1.
Figure 6: (Wood
2016) Balancing rock (Near Hole 4 Blue
basket), A large Glacial erratic of Dedham Granite. Note the large fracture running right down
the middle that nearly splits the boulder in two.
Rock Walls
There is an interesting interplay between glacial geology
and human action that has a big impact of the feel of the course at Borderland. The course winds its way through various
segmented plots of land that surrounded the estate. Most of these plots were originally used for
agriculture in the 1800’s but over time these farms failed or people moved on. The pebbles and boulders of glacial till
caused big problems for New England farmers so they would be cleared from a
field before plowing. The farmers then
used these boulders to build the stone walls that mark the field boundaries. The
State Park has preserved the stone walls and they have become an integral part
of the course, marking out of bounds and giving borderlands its unique
feel. Some boulders are too big to move
though and these have to be left in the field and still remain to this
day. Holes 1,3,4 look to be on a plot of
land that has not had its boulders cleared as the bedrock was close to or at
the surface and contain plenty of rocky till.
Holes 2, 7, 11, 12, 17 and 18 re in areas that have been kept open, with
only a few large boulders that farmers could not move. Holes 8-10,13-16 play through a series of
wooded lots that are fairly clear of small boulders. These are farm fields that were cleared in
the 1800’s but eventually went into disuse and forest has started to grow back. Hole 5 is curious as it has a ton of boulders
and is marshy. My guess is that this was
a swampy that was not conductive to agriculture, the area was never cleared,
and extra boulders might have been put here to try to raise the ground level. It is fascinating here that every time you
cross a rock wall the plants and ground terrain change slightly, giving each
hole a slightly different character.
Figure 7 (Wood 2016). Near 12 Blue tee, this is most likely a large
glacial erratic of Dedham granite.
Boulders like this were way too large for farmers to move so they were
left in the fields.
Figure 11: (Wood 2016)
Hole 13 Blue basket. Note rock
wall and wooded field relatively clear of boulders.
I hope you enjoyed this look at the geology of Borderlands. Next will be something out of left field and left coast De Laveaga from Santa Cruz CA.
Links and References
Borderland Disc Golf Homepage -
Borderland Disc Golf Facebook Page -
Chute, Newton E, Geology of the Norwood Quadrange Norfolk
and Suffolk Counties Massachusetts. Geology of Selected quadrangles in
Massachusetts, Geoloigical Survey Bulletin 1163-B. 1966. url
Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, “Borderland
park History and Culture”
website, retrieved 2016. url
Goldsmith, Richard, “Stratigraphy of the Milford-Dedham
Zone, Eastern Massachusetts: An Avalonian Terrane.” U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper
1366 E-J. Washington D.C.: 1991. Electronic URL
Pollock, Jeffrey C, Hibbard, James P, and Sylvester Paul
J. “Early Ordovician Rifting of Avolonia
and Birth of the Rheic Ocean: U-Pb Detrital zircon constraints from
Newfoundland.” Journal of the Geological
Society. May 2009.
Skehan, James W. Roadside Geology of Massachusetts. Missoula:
Mountain Press Publishing Company, 2006. Print
Skehan, James W. Roadside Geology of Connecticut and
Rhode Island. Missoula: Mountain Press Publishing Company, 2008. Print
Sorota, Kristin Joy. Age
and Origin of Merrimack Terrane, Southeastern New England: A Detrital Zircon
U-Pb Geochronology Study. M.S.
Thesis. Boston College. 2013. Online.
Persistent link:
Wones, David R, and Goldsmith, Richard. “Intrusive Igneous
Rocks of Eastern Massachusetts.” U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1366
E-J. Washington D.C.: 1991. Electronic URL
Zen, E-an, Gildsmith, Richard, Ratcliffe, N.M., Robinson,
Peter, Stanley R.S., Hatch, N.L., Shride, A.F.,Weed, E.G.A., and Wones,
D.R. Bedrock Geologic Map Of
Massachusetts[map]. 1:250,000. U.S. Geological Survey. 1983
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